Am I the only one who doesn't like change?
My mom told me that when I was a little girl, I'd be irritable for the first few weeks of school every year. I LOVED school. It was just that it took time and energy for me to adjust to the change of a new classroom, new routine, and new classmates, and evidently it showed.
It seems that I'm not that much different now. Seven months ago I left ten years of employment at the bookstore to work for a new company. I started at this non-book related company in an entry-level position, knowing I wanted to learn and grow with this company. Last week I accepted a new position (promotion!) in a new location. This is a positive step. AND it is change.
Today is my last day at my current store. Tomorrow I'll be at the new store, learning a new job, meeting new co-workers, and learning new routines. In addition, next week-end I'll be traveling for a memorial service for an aunt that I was close to. Changes.
Did I mention that I don't love change? I am more tired than usual. On edge. It's been harder for me to focus. And I haven't been able to settle down with one book.
After I finished reading Donna Tartt's THE SECRET HISTORY. I was going to move right into Tartt's first book, THE LITTLE FRIEND, but I didn't want to start it knowing that I wasn't focusing well. THE LITTLE FRIEND has to wait.
A friend of mine really likes Caitlin Moran, so I got How to Be a Woman, and started reading that.
I also pulled Simon Winchester's A Crack in the Edge of the World: America and the Great California Earthquake of 1906 (P.S.) off my shelf after seeing the 60 Minutes episode about volcanoes. I read the Winchester book several years ago, but it is so packed full of information about plate tectonics and geologic happenings, and is really readable, so I knew that reading it again would be interesting.
And then another ERC (Early Reviewer Copy) from librarything came in the mail...Dragnet Nation: A Quest for Privacy, Security, and Freedom in a World of Relentless SurveillanceN by Julia Angwin. The author tries to erase her digital footprint and discovers that doing so is virtually impossible. A little scary. And fascinating.
I've been reading all three books in short little spurts. They are all easy to pick up and read little bits at a time. Which seems to be good for my short attention span.
How do your reading habits change when you are dealing with stress or change?
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