Thursday, June 17, 2010

Customers 7

"My dad wants a book. I can't remember the author or the title. It has something to do with (insert broad topic here, such as war or history)." "Yeah, sure, we'll get that one for you."

     "I want to find your books that are 50% off."
     I take her to the far end of the store and show her a small table of publisher marked 50% off hardcovers, both fiction and non-fiction.
     "No, that's not what I want."
     "Have you seen our bargain books? Many of them are less than 50% off the original price."
     "Yeah, we looked at those. Books are so expensive."
     I take her over to the bargain section anyway. As we get closer she says, "Oh, we didn't see these."
     So I can know which bays to show her, I ask, "Do you like fiction?"
     "No, I really like to read novels," she says.
     I show her the extensive bargain fiction section. She said she'll have to come back another time.

Customer calls regarding a book they put on hold. They'd like to find out the price of the book they reserved. Bookseller asks for their name, which is how we file books on hold. Can't find it. Looks under first name. Looks under last name. Nope. Asks for the name of the book. Still can't find it. Apologizes, says we really have a pretty good system with this, is the customer sure she didn't call another store? Absolutely not. Bookseller puts customer on hold. Calls next nearest branch of our store. Sure enough, the book they want is on hold under their name at THAT store. Bookseller informs customer that their book is on hold at the other location. Customer hangs up.

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